
I'll write out a quick guide as to how System.out.format works so that you guys can understand it.

Pay careful attention to section f, subsection i. Many students only learn System.out.printor System.out.println and neglect to learn System.out.printf or System.out.format . I highly recommend learning them both.

The specifiers the test writers are limited to are:

%% = a percent sign
%n = a newline character
%c = a character
%d = an integer
%s = a string

Let's take a look at a few examples:

String st = "qwerty";
int num = 314;
char cha = "t";

System.out.format("there is a 10%% sale!\n"); // prints "there is a 10% sale!\n"
System.out.format("whoa%na new line!\n"); // prints the following:
a new line!\n
System.out.format("fan%castic\n", cha); // prints the following: "fantastic\n"
System.out.format("I saved $%d today!\n", num); // prints the following: "I saved $100 today!\n"
System.out.format("the first few keys on my keyboard are %s\n", st); //prints what's below:
// "the first few keys on my keyboard are qwerty\n"

    NOTE: when I type \n, I just mean newline, and I put it there to specify that there is one. You usually
    don't worry about it since you usually use System.out.println, which automatically places the new line
    there for you. I put it there deliberately because anything other than System.out.println most likely
    doesn't put the new line there for you.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""