The Rules (aka The Topics)

Lets go over the rules. I think going over the rules is really crucial because a lot of kids just go into this event because they've taken AP Computer Science and believe they're prepared. While this event does have a large intersection with the concepts and topics taught in AP Computer Science, there are some details that aren't covered in AP Computer Science that are present in this event, and may trip you up.

I will be going over all ten topics in this order:

  1. Integers, Operators, and Representations
  2. Characters
  3. Boolean values, Operator Precedence, and Associativity
  4. Arrays
  5. Strings
  6. Variable scope
  7. Assignments, Increments, and Decrements
  8. Blocks, Control Flow, Loops, Comments
  9. Methods, Arguments, Return values, and Recursion
  10. System.out.format

I will also have various exercises scattered throughout this book in order to help you solidify these concepts.

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